Is it true that you need to be able to speak nerd to set up your sound system or understand what a sub-woofer is? Or is it simple, and all you need are step-by-step instructions to get going?

It doesn’t matter. Because we at Speakers Daily can help you understand your subwoofers and amps through this helpful guide. You can also learn how to Set Up a Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 Home Audio System or just read about the best speaker reviews and advice on Speakers Daily

how to Set Up a Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 Home Audio System or just read about the best speaker reviews and advice on Speakers Daily

Question 1: Are My Amps Too Powerful For My Subs? 

A simple check can help you answer this question. Read the specifications on your devices are check to compare if they are in sync. 

If your amp is more powerful than your sub, it can harm your devices. Also, pairing an external amp with an active sub to boost the output to excessive levels is also not advised. 

Question 2: What Should I Do? 

Ensure the power sent to the sub is proportional to the volume control. Stick to the ratings on the woofer. They are there for a reason. If it says 1w rated driver, ensure you do not exceed the supply of 1w to that driver. 

Question 3: Finding Mr. Right Subs

Finding the right subs for your amps will require understanding the concept of “watts RMS” rating. This is the rating for subs. 

The watts RMS must be multiplied by the unit of subs to get the overall sub RMS rating.

Once you have this figure, make sure you pick an amp that is less than the RMS rating of the subsystem.

Question 4: What About Hz? What Is Best For Bass?

Professionals recommend that the ideal Hz for bass be between 60 and 250 Hz. This ranges safeguards speakers and ensures your safety too.

Learn more and Read Best Speakers’ Review

Got more questions? Let us help you speak and understand speakers and sound systems. Read the best speakers reviews and advice and learn about the best Bluetooth speakerssoundbars, and subwoofers

We are Amazon Services LLC Associates program members and specialize in sound-related devices. Feel free to connect or reach out for queries and concerns.

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